Obituary of Alarah Jacqueline Alburquerque-Scanie
On Tuesday, December 27, 2022 Baby Alarah Jacqueline Alburquerque-Scanie passed through this world on her way to Heaven.
Alarah Jacqueline will be forever loved dearly by her parents: Tessie Scanie & Gabriel Alburquerque; sisters: Amarah Alburquerque -Scanie, Ayanna Scanie; grandparents: Jennifer Scanie, Gary Collins, Sheila Nolan, Elias Sr. Alburquerque; as well as numerous aunts, uncles & cousins.
Alarah Jacqueline was predeceased by her grandfather: Francis Leslie Janvier; great grandparents: Scholastique & Dominique Scanie, Peter Lagimodiere; aunt: Josephine Scanie.
Wake, Tuesday, January 3, 2022, Cold Lake Spiritual Centre, Cold Lake First Nations.
Funeral Service, Wednesday, January 4, 2022 at 11:00 a.m., Cold Lake First Nations Spiritual Centre with interment to follow at the Cold Lake First Nations Community Cemetery.