Friday, September 13, 2024
Thank you aunty Audrey for always being there for us. You were the mother I always wanted and mother I wish I had, You were so kind, so caring, so friendly, always visiting us, always showing me, especially at my weakest, most wounded and most vulnerable, that you actually really cared. You were my true Nocawis (little mother in Cree) thank you for counselling me, visiting me when I was sick and in prison (in my own home and in my own head). Thank you for praying for me, giving offerings at the church, and asking the congregation and priest to pray for me, when I was out their addicted and struggling with mental illness. I believe it was your prayers to God and you visiting me, that helped save my soul, life and body, from perishing in my broken, destructive state. Thank you for buying me Alan Jackson tickets for my grade 12 graduation and for always remembering me. You made me feel like I truly mattered and just to let you know, you helped change my destiny, through your acts of kindness. Seeing your smile, feeling your hugs, hearing what I never heard from my parents, the sincere "I love you my boy" and the amazing kisses. You made me feel so special aunty's, and I will always love you and remember you and I miss you so much. Thank you for being the best aunty's in the world, from Lance, Jessica and Alexi, your family from Edmonton and Enoch.